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I have been involved in several courses organised by Mechatronics Academy at The High Tech Institute. Also "in-company" trainings were given on mechatronics.

Cover HPF mechatronics

In several of these courses the textbook,"The Design of High Performance Mechatronics" is used intensively.

The first edition of the book was focused on the necessary knowledge for a mechanical engineer to broaden his or hers scope towards other disciplines. For that reason the subjects on actuation, motion control, electronics and measurement were treated rather extensive, while mechanics were only toughed upon quite superficially, mainly on basic dynamics. This was felt by several readers as an unbalance.

After running out of stock, the second edition of this book was published in 2014 after a thorough revision, correcting the found errata from the first edition. It now also includes the basic physics of mechanics with the laws of Newton, Hooke and Lagrange, physical coordinate systems and a large extention on dynamic modal decomposition.

The third edition was further "refined" and is now available at the publisher and Mechatronics Academy


© 2021 Rob Munnig Schmidt